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Telehealth appointments available today

Convenient, affordable telehealth appointments with quality online doctors and virtual therapists' day or night. Membership starts at $19.99/month. Transparent pricing and no surprise bills.

*Prescriptions are provided at the doctor’s discretion. Learn more about our controlled substances policy and our prescription discount card.

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Benefits of our telehealth services

Our telehealth appointments offer far greater convenience, bringing board-certified physicians to you, on your schedule. We are committed to making healthcare accessible and convenient for our patients: from your routine checkups to continuing care for complex conditions.

  • Top quality, board-certified doctors

    Our physicians bring an average of 15 years of experience and have received training at top 50 medical schools in the U.S.

  • Flexibility

    Online appointments are more flexible for most patients than in-person appointments.

  • Short wait times

    Appointments available in as soon as 15 minutes, day and night

  • Easy follow up

    You can always message your Care Team in the PlushCare app should you have questions between appointments.

  • Brief Appointments

    Appointments can be as brief as 15 minutes.

  • Affordable

    Saving you money while ensuring quality care. While insurance is accepted, it is not required—making healthcare affordable and accessible for everyone.


What is telehealth?

Telehealth, which is sometimes referred to as telemedicine, is a healthcare option that allows you to meet with a doctor, therapist, or other practitioner online to discuss any medical concerns you have.1 Telehealth appointments can be accessed from a smartphone, computer, or tablet, eliminating the need for you to go in-person to a doctor’s office. While telehealth has existed for years, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 drastically increased its use in the United States and elsewhere.2 Even after the initial lockdown and though most medical offices have reopened, many patients have opted to continue to see providers online for anything from urgent and preventive care, to managing chronic conditions, to mental healthcare and therapy.3 


Our doctors are able to treat many symptoms online, but after an evaluation of your symptoms, if they need to, they can refer you to a specialist for in-person treatment.  


Telehealth practitioners can provide either one-time or ongoing care depending on your needs. PlushCare patients often discuss allergies, asthma, cold and flu symptoms, infections, anxiety, depression, pink eye, digestion problems or stomach aches, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, migraines or headaches, and sleep trouble with their providers during their online appointments—among other conditions. 


In addition to discussing your health with your online provider, you may also be able to obtain prescription medications during a telehealth visit.4 Common medications online doctors prescribe include antibiotics, anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications, birth control, and hypertension prescriptions. 

Frequently asked questions about telehealth appointments

Can I do a telehealth visit on my phone?

While some telehealth doctors allow patients to conduct appointments via voice call alone, at PlushCare, you can conduct a telehealth visit on your phone as long as it has video capabilities 


Devices that work well for telehealth appointments include smartphones—either iPhone or Android—which usually have cameras that allow you to conduct a video call. Using the PlushCare app, you can log into your appointment quickly and easily to speak to your provider on your smartphone. If you would rather not download the app, you can use another device that allows you to conduct a video visit such as a tablet or computer.  

Will my insurance cover telehealth?

When considering any healthcare service, it is always a good idea to ensure you are aware of any potential costs before booking an appointment. While PlushCare accepts most major insurance plans (note: Medicaid is not currently accepted), you are not required to have coverage to use our telehealth services. However, please note that you must pay for all fees out of pocket if you do not have insurance coverage. The usual out-of-pocket cost for PlushCare patients with insurance is $30 a visit, while patients not using insurance typically pay around $129 per visit. 


If your doctor prescribes any medication for you, PlushCare also offers a Prescription Discount Card in partnership with SingleCare, which can save you up to 80% on medication costs. Additionally, PlushCare provides discounted labs and at-home test kits to ensure you get the information you need about your health while remaining cost conscious. 

What is an example of telehealth?

Telehealth appointments vary widely in what they offer based on a patient’s needs. An example of telehealth could be seeing a online doctor one time for a minor injury or illness choosing to see an online therapist to manage anxiety. Telehealth can also provide follow-up appointments to check in on how you are feeling, to review labs, or medications.  


We offer services in men and women’s health, mental health, chronic care, sexual health, weight loss, and pediatric care, and patients in all 50 states can book appointments to discuss their medical needs and concerns.

Are telehealth visits worth it?

When deciding between booking a telehealth visit or an in-person one, you need to consider your medical needs and evaluate the best option for you, your health, and your finances. Patients with life-threatening conditions should dial 911 or go to the ER, and patients seeking new prescriptions or refills for controlled substances should opt for an in-person appointment.  


However, if the flexibility, low cost, and overall convenience of telehealth appeals to you, you may consider an online appointment. At PlushCare specifically, you can book without fear: if our board-certified doctors cannot provide the care, you need online, we will offer you a full refund for your visit. 

Understanding your telehealth appointment

Learn everything you need to know about your telehealth appointment with these helpful PlushCare articles

How to access a telehealth appointment

Book a telehealth appointment
Step 1

Book a visit with one of our top-rated doctors or therapists

Book a same-day appointment from the comfort of wherever you are.
How It Works Step 2
Step 2

Talk to your physician about your concerns

Visit with a doctor or therapist through the convenience of your smartphone or computer.
How It Works Step 3
Step 3

Pick up a prescription or follow up, if needed

Prescriptions are provided at the doctor’s discretion. If medication is prescribed, it will be sent to your pharmacy of choice.

How does pricing work?

At PlushCare, we believe in straightforward and affordable healthcare.

30 days of free membership

  • Same-day appointments 7 days a week
  • Unlimited messages with your Care Team
  • Prescription discount card to save up to 80%
  • Exclusive discounts on lab tests
  • Free memberships for your family
  • Cancel anytime

Paying with insurance



First month free




Visit price with insurance

Often the same as an office visit. Most patients with in-network insurance pay $30 or less!

We accept these insurance plans and many more:

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Paying without insurance



First month free




Visit price without insurance

Initial visits are $129.


PlushCare is dedicated to providing you with accurate and trustworthy health information.

1 Why use telehealth? (2024, February 29). Retrieved August 15, 2024, from 

2 Hyder, M. A., & Razzak, J. (2020). Telemedicine in the United States: An Introduction for students and residents. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(11), e20839. 

‌‌‍‍ ‍3 Jacqueline, L., & Maria, V. (2022). Telemedicine use among adults: United States, 2021. In National Center for Health Statistics. 

‌‌‍‍ ‍4 State Telehealth Policies for Online Prescribing. (2024). CCHP. Retrieved August 15, 2024, from 

‌‌‍‍ ‍5 Employee telemedicine visits nearly 25 percent less costly than in-person for health systems. (2023, June 9). Penn Medicine News. Retrieved August 20, 2024, from 

PlushCare content is reviewed by MDs, PhDs, NPs, nutritionists, and other healthcare professionals. Learn more about our editorial standards and meet the medical team. The PlushCare site or any linked materials are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.