Easily screen for common infections with our extensive screening panels. If any unusual results are identified, you can consult with our network of board-certified physicians and receive appropriate guidance and treatment.
Complete women’s STI test panel: This panel includes HIV screening, syphilis blood testing, 3-site chlamydia and gonorrhea (vaginal, throat, rectal) testing, swabs for genital herpes, trichomoniasis testing, mycoplasma genitalium (Mgen) testing, bacterial vaginosis (BV) testing, and candida albicans (yeast infections) testing. This panel costs $237 out of pocket.*
Vaginitis panel: This includes testing for bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and trichomoniasis. This costs $75 out of pocket.*
Vaginitis + STI panel: This includes the same components as the vaginitis panel, plus chlamydia and gonorrhea 3-site testing. This costs $95 out of pocket.*
Chlamydia and gonorrhea 3-site testing: This involves vaginal, throat, and rectal testing. This 3-site testing is not available for in-person testing at Quest and is exclusively an at-home offering. This costs $22 for self-pay patients.*
HPV 3 site testing: This includes cervical cancer screening, which is available for women aged 30-65. Self-testing for HPV has been found to be just as effective as the traditional clinician-collected samples and may even be more efficient in detecting cervical cancer.2 This panel costs $18 out of pocket.*