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Vertigo treatment available online today

To treat your vertigo, consult with one of our board-certified primary care doctors online today and develop a treatment plan to get relief from dizziness. Get a new prescription to treat vertigo or refill an existing prescription today.*

Same-day appointments to evaluate vertigo symptoms Relief from nausea, sweating, or ear problems Prompt vertigo diagnosis and treatment

*Prescriptions are provided at the doctor's discretion. Learn more about our controlled substances policy and how to save up to 80% with our prescription discount card. PlushCare doctors cannot treat all cases of vertigo. Our primary care physicians can conduct an initial evaluation of your symptoms but may need to refer you to a specialist or for in-person treatment. If you are experiencing life-threatening symptoms, seek emergency medical attention immediately by calling 911.


Learn about vertigo

Vertigo is not a condition, but a symptom of a condition. Vertigo can involve the feeling of loss of balance, dizziness, nausea, headaches, and more.

Vertigo is often, but not always, caused by problems with the inner ear since the inner ear is largely responsible for balance and knowing where the head is in relation to gravity. Moving your head during situations like the process of lying down or standing up can make the vertigo symptoms worse. Many different conditions can cause vertigo, and each condition may need different treatment.

There are two different types of vertigo: peripheral vertigo and central vertigo.

Peripheral vertigo is the most common form of vertigo and can lead to dizziness, nausea, sweating, and ear problems.

Central vertigo occurs when someone perceives the motion of their surroundings, or spinning sensation, while they remain still.

If you're suffering from symptoms of vertigo for extended periods of time, you may want to see a doctor to evaluate the root cause of your symptoms and discuss treatment options.

Vertigo causes

Vertigo causes often include issues with the inner ear. There are a variety of different things that can affect the inner ear, and some problems are easier to treat than others. The inner ear tells your brain where your head and body are moving in relation to gravity. Your inner ear is the main system in your body responsible for balance, which is why inner ear problems can have such a great effect on a person's balance.

Peripheral vertigo causes

  • Labyrinthitis - The inflammation of part of the inner ear that is called the labyrinth. Viral infections such as the common cold are the typical cause of labyrinthitis, although it can also be caused by bacteria.

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) - The most common type of vertigo overall, BPPV happens when tiny particles of calcium (canaliths) clump up in the inner ear canals, leading to the sudden sensation that you're spinning or that the inside of your head is spinning.

  • Head injuries - If you experience dizziness after a head injury, you need to get immediate medical attention.

  • Vestibular neuronitis - Vestibular neuritis is an inflammation of the nerve running from the labyrinth to the brain. It's typically caused by a viral infection and comes on suddenly.

Central vertigo causes

  • Migraines - Migraines are severe headaches that are typically felt as a throbbing in the front or on one side of the head. Young people are especially prone to migraines.

  • Multiple sclerosis - MS can affects the brain and spinal cord.

  • Acoustic neuroma - Acoustic neuroma is a rare, non-cancerous brain tumor that grows on the nerve that helps to control hearing and balance (the acoustic nerve).

  • Transient ischemic attacks (TIA) or strokes - When parts of the blood supply to the brain are cut off, can lead to symptoms of vertigo. This is a medical emergency and should prompt immediate medical care.

  • Head injuries – Head injuries can disrupt our brain’s ability to appropriately orient in relation to gravity. This is an urgent symptom and should prompt immediate medical care.

  • Certain types of medication - Some medications can have central vertigo as a side effect. Talk to your doctor about switching medications. Never stop taking a prescription without talking to your doctor first.

Vertigo symptoms

When it comes to symptoms of vertigo in women vs. symptoms of vertigo in men, both genders tend to experience similar symptoms. However, women are slightly more likely to experience vertigo symptoms than men. Vertigo symptoms may range from mild to severe, may last anywhere from a few minutes to several days or more, and may include the following in addition to other symptoms:

  • Dizziness

  • Loss of balance, possibly so severe that it's difficult to stand or walk

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Headache

  • Sweating

  • Ringing in the ears or hearing loss

  • Unusual or jerking eye movements (called nystagmus)

  • Sensations of spinning, tilting, swaying, being unbalanced or being pulled in one direction


How to treat vertigo

Vertigo treatment will vary based on the cause. Determining the cause will generally require a physical neurological exam, and sometimes lab tests and imaging. Your doctor may prescribe medication, therapeutic exercises, or prompt referrals to specialist care.

Stress and anxiety can make vertigo worse, so learning to manage those things can lead to a reduced amount of vertigo episodes.

Vertigo medication

There are three medications that are typically prescribed to help ease vertigo symptoms depending on the cause. It's important to note that medications will only treat the symptoms of vertigo.


Antiemetics can ease symptoms of severe nausea and vomiting associated with vertigo.



Antihistamines will block histamine to relieve symptoms of dizziness and nausea.
Antivert (meclizine)
Promethazine teoclate

Histamine analogue


How to prevent vertigo

While it's impossible to guarantee that you will never develop vertigo, there are some lifestyle changes you can make that should help reduce your chances of experiencing vertigo symptoms.

Generally speaking, any lifestyle changes you would make to reduce your odds of having a stroke can help prevent vertigo.

These changes include improving your blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, and blood glucose levels.

When to see a doctor for vertigo

If you experience dizziness or "vertigo" along with any of the following symptoms you should see a doctor immediately by going to the nearest emergency room or calling 911 for assistance: double or loss of vision, hearing loss, trouble speaking, leg or arm weakness, falling or difficulty walking, numbness or tingling, and chest pain or rapid or slow heart rate.

Vertigo treatment FAQs

How do they diagnose vertigo?

Your doctor may have a pretty good idea of your vertigo causes based on your symptoms and medical history, but sometimes more extensive testing is required. Your doctor will first want to rule out life-threatening problems such as a stroke. During your initial appointment, you should be prepared to answer questions about:

  • The first time you experienced vertigo did you feel lightheaded? Was the room spinning?

  • Did you experience other associated symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, or a sense of fullness in the ear?

  • How frequently do your vertigo symptoms occur, and how long they last?

  • Does movement make them worsen?

  • What other triggers make your symptoms worse?

  • What makes your symptoms improve?

Your doctor may also do a physical examination to check for or rule out conditions that can cause vertigo. They may look inside your ears, check your eyes for signs of uncontrolled movement, check your balance and other neurological tests, or try to recreate your symptoms by having you sit up or lie down quickly. If our Plushcare doctors feel you need a physical exam for proper diagnosis, they will triage your symptoms and guide you towards referrals to specialists or towards in-person care immediately.

How do you test for vertigo?

Your doctor may perform additional testing or refer you to a specialist for additional testing to evaluate vertigo causes. These tests may include:

  • Hearing tests done by an audiologist or ear, nose, and throat specialist (ENT) may be suggested if you are experiencing ringing in the ears (tinnitus) or hearing loss. The ENT may use a tuning fork or a machine that produces beeps at certain pitches to check for any hearing loss.

  • Videonystagmography (VNG) helps look for signs of uncontrolled eye movements (nystagmus) in more detail. Nystagmus may indicate a problem with any of the systems that help you balance. You will be asked to wear special goggles and look at still or moving images. Video cameras inside the goggles record your eye movements and check for abnormalities.

  • Caloric testing involves running warm or cool air or water into the ear for about 30 seconds. The sudden change in temperature stimulates the balance organ in your ear to see how well it's working. While the test isn't painful, it can cause dizziness that may take a while to wear off once the test is complete.

  • Posturography uses a machine to test your balance. It gives useful information about how you are using your vision, proprioception (sensations from your feet and joints), and the input from your ear to maintain balance. This machine may also be used to track progress during rehabilitation.

  • Scans can help check for structural problems in your brain such as tumors. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan uses a magnetic field and radio waves to show the inside of your head. A computerized tomography (CT) scan uses a series of x-rays to show the inside of your head.

How long does vertigo usually last for?

Vertigo commonly lasts anywhere from several seconds to several minutes. However, in more complex cases, it could last hours, days, or even weeks. If your vertigo lasts longer than a few minutes, speak to a doctor about treatment options.

Can stress cause vertigo?

Stress alone is not a cause of vertigo, but stress can lead to issues within the inner ear. These problems with the inner ear could contribute to vertigo causes, as some adults report an increase in vertigo symptoms when stressed.

Can vertigo be cured naturally?

Some forms or vertigo may go away on their own, but for more severe vertigo, you may want to see a doctor to diagnose if there is a severe underlying cause. For severe forms of vertigo, treatment is helpful and effective.

What over the counter remedies can I get for vertigo?

Non-prescription antihistamines are sometimes used as over-the-counter remedies for vertigo. However, if you're experience symptoms like dizziness, loss of balance, nausea, etc., it's important to talk to a doctor online or locally. There are different causes for vertigo, from inner ear problems to migraines. Sometimes vertigo is a sign of a more serious underlying illness, such as a neurological condition or even a stroke. A doctor will help diagnose the specific cause and get you the most effective treatment plan. OTC meds run the risk of providing temporary relief without addressing the root issue.

Depending on the diagnosis, your doctor can prescribe medications specifically for vertigo, like meclizine. Our board-certified, online doctors are available 24/7 for convenient online consultations. Within an hour, you can discuss your symptoms, receive a diagnosis or guidance toward the necessary steps to receive a diagnosis, and get a prescription for the right medication, if indicated.

3 simple steps to request treatment for vertigo today

How It Works Step 1
Step 1

Book a vertigo treatment appointment.

Book a same day appointment from anywhere.
How It Works Step 2
Step 2

Talk to your medical provider regarding your vertigo symptoms.

Visit with a doctor on your smartphone or computer.
How It Works Step 3
Step 3

Pick up a prescription to treat your vertigo, if provided

We can send prescriptions to any local pharmacy.

Related conditions to vertigo

Meniere's disease

Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that can lead to dizziness and hearing loss. In most cases, Meniere's disease affects only one ear.

Vertigo treatment pricing details

To request vertigo treatment and get a new or refill on your prescription, join our monthly membership and get discounted visits.

30 days of free membership

  • Same-day appointments 7 days a week
  • Unlimited messages with your Care Team
  • Prescription discount card to save up to 80%
  • Exclusive discounts on lab tests
  • Free memberships for your family
  • Cancel anytime

Paying with insurance



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Visit price with insurance

Often the same as an office visit. Most patients with in-network insurance pay $30 or less!

We accept these insurance plans and many more:

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Paying without insurance



First month free




Visit price without insurance

Initial visits are $129.


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