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can men get yeast infections

Symptoms of Yeast Infection in Men

Read time: 2 minutes
Mark Spera
Written by Mark Spera

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    Yes, it's possible for men to get yeast infections.

    What are the symptoms of a yeast infection in men?

    You probably want a quick, simple answer and a private way of treating the problem. We can help. But, you should also know that a penile yeast infection can become serious if it spreads to your blood stream.

    Keep that in mind as we talk about these symptoms and causes of this problem. If you’ve had these symptoms for more than a few days, or if you have a fever or chills, you’ll want to talk to a doctor for diagnoses and treatment right away.

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    What is a Penile Yeast Infection?

    Common symptoms of a penile yeast infection include:

    • A red rash

    • White, shiny patches

    • Itching and/or burning

    Uncircumcised men might notice a thick, white cottage cheese like substance under their foreskin. But if you have any of these symptoms, don’t try to self-diagnose.

    Symptoms of yeast infection in men often mimic the symptoms of other sexually transmitted diseases. It’s better to talk to a doctor.

    As mentioned before, penile yeast infections can also spread to your blood stream. This leads to a condition called “candidemia,” also called “invasive candidiasis.” This can happen if you let the infection go to long without treatment. But it’s also likely to occur if you have a weak immune system.

    If you’re experiencing chills or a fever, in addition to the above symptoms, your penile yeast infection may have already reached this severe stage. Oral or intravenous treatments may be required for several weeks to get rid of it.

    Why Do Men Get Yeast Infections?

    Penile yeast infections are caused by a fungus called “Candidiasis.” This fungus thrives in moist environments, and can spread quickly if it’s not kept in check.

    Men normally contract yeast infections by having sex with a woman who has a yeast infection.

    Other men get yeast infections simply because of poor hygiene. For example, men who wear the same sweaty underwear all day instead of changing into a fresh pair might get penile yeast infections. But for most men, the yeast infections are caused by having sex with a woman who has an infection.

    This is why sexually active men who practice good hygiene, but who suffer from recurring yeast infections should talk to their partner. It’s not a fun talk to have. But the CDC reports that yeast infections about 75% of women in the United States suffer from yeast infections and WebMD reports that nearly half of women have recurring attacks.

    A lot of women don’t understand what causes recurring yeast infections. So if you think your partner may have a problem, you shouldn’t just ignore it. If they don’t see a doctor and get to the root of their problem, yours may never go away either.

    The Best Way to Cure Men’s Yeast Infection

    As we mentioned earlier, penile yeast infections can spread to your blood stream. Once this happens, treatment is much more expensive and complicated. So if you’ve had the symptoms of a penile yeast infection for more than a week or if you’re experiencing chills or a fever, speaking to an online doctor and getting a prescription online is one of the best ways to tackle the problem.

    If your yeast infection is in its early stages, you could be in the clear by this time next week using a simple, topical treatment.

    Don’t worry, there’s no long wait times with us. You can talk to a doctor right away. Our world-class doctors diagnose and prescribe medications by phone, computer and mobile app all the time.

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