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Chronic Rhinitis

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Ryan Quinn
Written by Ryan Quinn

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    What is Chronic Rhinitis?

    Chronic rhinitis is a prolonged state of rhinitis beyond 90 days. Chronic rhinitis generally is non-allergic; allergies that cause rhinitis tend to be seasonal because of pollen production cycles.

    Rhinitis is the swelling and inflammation of mucus membranes in the nose. Medical professionals classify rhinitis as either allergic or non-allergic, depending on presence of an immune system response or not.

    Chronic rhinitis can also occur as a complication to serious diseases such as syphilis and leprosy, which destroy soft tissue, but this is very rare.

    What Causes Chronic Rhinitis?

    Causes of non-allergic rhinitis are not always known. However, viral infections, bacterial infections, various environmental triggers, surgery, and changes in hormones have been associated with chronic rhinitis.

    Types of Chronic Rhinitis: Symptoms and Treatments

    Viral rhinitis is a type of chronic rhinitis that results from a viral infection such as the common cold, strep throat, or staph infections. Symptoms of viral rhinitis include:

    • Runny nose

    • Congestion

    • Swelling

    • Dilated blood vessel in the nose

    Treatments for viral rhinitis include decongestants, although sometimes chronic rhinitis is actually worsened by decongestant. Consult with a doctor before starting treatment for chronic rhinitis, or if decongestants seems to be making symptoms more intense.

    Atrophic rhinitis is a type of chronic rhinitis resulting from atrophied or hardened mucus membranes. Most commonly atrophic rhinitis happens as a result of sinus surgery, or from a rare bacterial infection that occupies the nose. Symptoms of atrophic rhinitis include:

    • Crusting within the nostrils

    • Production of a bad odor

    • Heavy nosebleeds

    • Loss of smell

    Treating atrophic rhinitis is usually focused on relieving the symptoms. Topical antibiotics might be used to treat the condition if there is a bacterial culture.

    Nasal irrigation tools like a neti pot can help clean out the nasal passageways and reduce odor.

    Vasomotor rhinitis is a type of chronic rhinitis that produces congestion, sneezing, or a runny nose; similar to allergies, but the symptoms are not caused by an over reactive immune response. Instead, the condition is thought to be brought on by abnormal regulation of blood flow in the nose, possibly as a result of:

    • Cold or dry air

    • Smoke

    • perfumes

    • Dust

    • Pollen

    • Pollution

    • Glues

    • Latex

    • Chlorine

    • Wood dust

    • Changes in weather

    • Spicy foods

    Some medications can also trigger rhinitis (e.g. NSAIDs, oral contraceptives, antidepressants, etc.). Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis is mostly limited to avoiding your triggers. Humidifiers or humidified central air might help patients with vasomotor rhinitis.

    Idiopathic rhinitis is a type of chronic rhinitis without any clear cause.

    Complications of Chronic Rhinitis

    Prolonged rhinitis can result in frequent bleeding, nasal obstruction, and a runny nose containing pus. Other complications might include:

    If you are experiencing symptoms of chronic rhinitis, book an appointment with a PlushCare physician and get a prescription today. PlushCare specializes in chronic care. Skip having to drive to the physicians office for recurring appointments and meet with one of our trusted online doctors in just a few simple clicks.

    Read More About Rhinitis


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