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Mold Skin Rash

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Sydney Garrow
Written by Sydney Garrow

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    Mold-Associated Skin Rash: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

    If you believe that you are suffering from a mold skin rash, it is important to identify your symptoms and decide if your rash is indeed from exposure to mold. Once you have identified your symptoms and causes, you can begin treating a mold-associated rash. 

    Keep reading to understand symptoms, medications, treatments, and complications related to a mold-associated skin rash. 

    What is a Mold-Associated Skin Rash? 

    A mold-associated skin rash is an allergic reaction caused by exposure to the spores released by mold into the air. However; not everyone has the same reaction to mold; in fact, some people will not show any signs of a rash after breathing-in spores of mold which are carried in the air. 

    What Does a Mold-Associated Skin Rash Look Like?

    The tricky thing about a mold-associated rash is that it often looks exactly like other rashes caused by allergies. Some signs of a rash caused by an allergic reaction include: 

    • Itching 

    • Patches of dry and scaly skin

    • Sensitivity 

    • Discoloration (usually pink or red)

    • Bumpy texture in the area of irritation

    Your mold-related skin rash could occur in several different places on your body, and might even occur in more than one area. 

    Keep in mind that skin irritation can be caused by many other conditions outside of allergies. Many people deal with skin irritation issues like eczema or psoriasis, so it might be worth speaking to an online doctor to discuss symptoms and get help with identifying your type of rash. 

    How to Tell If Your Rash Is From Mold

    Since it is hard to differentiate one allergic reaction from the other, the best way to know if you have a mold-associated skin rash is identifying if you have a mold allergy, and if you have recently been exposed to mold. 

    Doctors most likely will not be able to diagnose your rash specifically as a mold-related rash without prior knowledge of your allergies. But luckily, allergy testing is fairly straightforward and can be ordered by any doctor. 

    Another great way to identify your rash is by looking at other pictures of rashes and narrowing down the potential causes of your irritation. 

    Could My Rash Be Something Besides An Allergic Reaction? 

    There are several options for rashes besides an allergic reaction, let alone an allergic reaction to mold. Some other forms of skin conditions that may be the source of your discomfort include: 

    If you feel like your symptoms might be caused by any of these conditions, you can seek a doctor’s advice online to discuss your rash and any other symptoms you may be having. 

    Testing For a Mold-Associated Allergy

    If you have experienced what you suspect is a mold-related skin rash, then getting tested for allergies is a great way to start solving the mystery of the cause of your rash.

    There are two kinds of tests doctors typically perform for identifying allergies. Your doctor might choose one or the other, or a combination of both: 

    • Blood testing - Blood tests can check for immunoglobulin E, which your immune system makes in response to an allergy activation. 

    • Skin prick testing - Small droplets of allergens can be dropped onto your arm with a lancet, and a healthcare practitioner will watch your skin for signs of an allergic reaction after 15 minutes and with the application of histamine, glycerin, or saline. 

    You can speak to an online doctor about ordering tests, or go in to see your primary care practitioner or an allergist. There are even some options for ordering tests online and sending your materials directly to a lab. 

    Is a Mold-Associated Rash Contagious?

    Like any other allergic reaction, a mold-related skin rash is not contagious. 

    On the other hand, other kinds of skin rashes can be contagious, so if you are not sure what kind of rash you are experiencing, it is best to keep it safe and isolated. 

    Are Mold-Related Skin Rashes Serious? 

    While a mold-associated skin rash is not always the cause for serious concern, it could be an indication of a larger medical problem.  

    First off, a rash is a good indication of a mold allergy (or any other allergy) you might have, so it can serve as a sign for you to get tested and avoid mold in the future, in order to avoid further mold-related skin rashes. 

    Additionally, a rash caused by mold exposure could alert you to a mold-associated problem in your home or anywhere else that you spend extensive time. 

    Medications For a Mold-Associated Skin Rash 

    If you believe your rash is from an allergic reaction, it is likely that a doctor or nurse will likely recommend over-the-counter remedies such as: 

    • Antihistamines (such as Benadryl) 

    • Cortisone cream 

    • Moisturizers

    If your rash is more severe, it could require antibiotics, in which case you would need a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider such as a doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. 

    You also might be able to treat a mild mold-related skin rash with other topical cures such as: 

    • Aloe vera

    • Oatmeal baths

    • Cold compress 

    If your rash worsens, stop applying anything you have been using, and consider seeking medical advice. 

    What Are Signs That A Mold is Making You Sick? 

    Persistently being exposed to mold can potentially have negative side effects beyond mold skin rashes, even for those that are not allergic to mold. 

    According to the National Capital Poison Center, there are many claims that adverse side effects could result from exposure to indoor mold, or what many people commonly refer to as “black mold.” While there is no conclusive scientific evidence suggesting that serious health conditions can be caused by mold, specifically S. chartarum, most specialists have agreed that damp and moist environments can cause or worsen the problem: 

    • Asthma

    • Allergies

    • Coughs 

    • Runny noses 

    • Sinus conditions 

    • Any respiratory issues 

    Should I Go to the Doctor for Mold Exposure? 

    If you are experiencing a new rash, or other symptoms after being exposed to mold, it is a good idea to see a doctor or consult one online to discuss allergy testing or solutions for your symptoms. 

    Receiving Online Treatment for Mold-Associated Skin Rash 

    You can receive treatment for a mold-related skin rash online. Plushcare offers access to reliable online doctors, who can offer advice, prescribe medication, and work out treatment plans with you from the comfort of your own home.

    Read More About Mold Skin Rashes


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