Online Urgent Care

Online urgent care at PlushCare is easier and cheaper than in-person urgent care. Get a treatment plan from a licensed, board-certified doctor from one of the top 50 U.S. medical schools. You can book a virtual urgent care appointment and speak to a doctor on your smartphone or computer in just 15 minutes, 7 days a week. Your online urgent care doctor will provide you with a diagnosis, personalized care plan, and prescription. Book your urgent care appointment today.

Get Online Urgent Care Now >>
PlushCare app with message from doctor

Top quality, board-certified doctors

Insurance accepted, but not required

Prescriptions sent to your local pharmacy*

*Prescriptions are provided at the doctor’s discretion. Learn more about our controlled substances policy and how you can save up to 80% with our prescription discount card.

How it works

Step 1: Book an appointment

Step 1


Book a same day appointment from anywhere. Why wait?

Step 2


Visit with a doctor on your smartphone or computer.

Step 3

Pick up

We can send prescriptions to any local pharmacy.

What Things Can You Go To Urgent Care For?

  • Antibiotics


    Cold & flu

    Pink Eye


    Sinus Infection

    Strep Throat


    Ear Infections


Urgent care is a form of medical treatment for illnesses and injuries that are not life-threatening emergencies. In-person urgent care treatment allows patients to walk into a clinic or treatment center in order to receive same-day medical attention. Online urgent care connects a patient to a doctor through a virtual visit on a smartphone or computer.

The cost of urgent care varies based on whether you have a health insurance plan, as well as what coverage your plan provides. The average cost of an urgent care visit is $100 to $150. Most urgent care centers post a list of fees for common treatments. You often need to pay upfront, and need to bring payment with you. At PlushCare, an urgent care appointment costs an average of $22 for insured patients and $129 for patients without insurance, much less than you can expect to pay at in-person urgent care.

Online urgent care appointments allow you to have a virtual doctor’s visit for your medical needs. Here is an overview of how online urgent care treatment at PlushCare works:

  • First, you book an appointment with one of our licensed, board-certified doctors. Most appointments are just 15 minutes.

  • During your virtual visit, you will speak with your PlushCare physician online through your smartphone or computer. The doctor will listen to your questions and provide you with a diagnosis and care plan.

  • The doctor can also prescribe non-controlled medicine and substances, if deemed necessary. Your prescription will be sent to your local pharmacy for same-day pick up.

Yes, you can get prescription medication online through a virtual urgent care visit. Our top doctors at PlushCare can write prescriptions for non-controlled substances. They can also prescribe antibiotics, antivirals, and other medications based on your urgent care diagnosis. Once your prescription is written, the online urgent care doctor will send it to a local pharmacy of your choice for pickup. We make it easy for you to get the prescriptions you need online.

The emergency room (ER) is meant for serious, life-threatening illnesses and injuries, while urgent care treatment is for less severe, minor conditions. Examples of reasons to go to the ER include chest pains, stroke symptoms, major wounds, and severe burns. Urgent care (both in-person and virtual) can treat conditions such as the flu, common cold, ear infections, sinus infections, minor cuts, and urinary tract infections.

Yes, you can go to urgent care without insurance. You do not need a referral to go to urgent care, and you typically cannot be turned away if you need care. You will however, need to pay for your urgent care treatment.

At PlushCare, you can speak with a board-certified doctor from a top school, even without insurance. Uninsured patients pay $129 for a doctor’s appointment. We make it convenient for you to access the urgent care you need online.

You should not go to urgent care if you have a life-threatening emergency or an extremely contagious illness. Urgent care cannot provide proper treatment for severe injuries that should be treated in the ER. If you have a minor condition and want to avoid the inconvenience of in-person care, consider online urgent care, where you can skip the in-person waiting room and avoid the risk of getting sick.

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